Ferry flight

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Make a Ferry Flight drop down menu option
Make a Ferry Flight drop down menu option.

So you just added a new aircraft to your fleet and it is stranded on a tarmac outside your airline's route network? Using the <Make A Ferry Flight> option enables you to strategically place your plane to airports around the globe (provided the selected airport is adequately dimensioned to welcome it). There are three ways to schedule a Ferry Flight, depending on your aircraft's operation decision:

Ferry Flight out of Inactive Fleet

Ferry Flight out of Active Fleet for aircraft that is part of an Execution Group

Operations -> Fleet -> Active Flee -> Action -> Make A Ferry Flight

Ferry Flight out of Active Fleet for aircraft that has a fix flight plan

Operations -> Fleet -> Active Flee -> Action -> Edit fix flight plan

Select Ferry Flight from the <Add flight to this flight plan> drop down menu and schedule

Schedule the ferry flight like the

In most cases, aircraft are parked at a specific location until they are transferred to the desired destination by an airline. Remember, no matter how you get to your aircraft, you must first transfer it to a destination that is in your route network before the aircraft can correctly service your desired flight routes. Transfer flights are displayed in blue in the flight plan and are automatically deleted from the flight plan including flight number after they have been successfully transferred. The max. The range of an aircraft between the place of departure and the destination is not to be taken into account for a transfer flight. In addition, no route rights are required for the route of the transfer flight. However, the selected destination must be part of your route network.

When setting up transfer flights you have the choice between:

as soon as possible: The transfer will take place as soon as possible. the transfer takes place at the scheduled time (day & time).